Some Asian Americans claim that the heavy burden of their parents ‘ sky-high expectations has taken a toll on them as they struggle with mental health issues. Parents encourage their kids to do well in school and strive for excellence in all facets of their lives. However, these large expectations have a price to pay, making kids fear loss and doubt their personal powers
Many Asian communities worth marriage and family in addition to education. According to files from the 2010 American Community Survey, the majority of Asian-american families, for instance, survive with two hitched families. Asians are more likely to reside in multigenerational households, and countless people think that caring for their parents is the responsibility of a family member.
Individuals moreover place a high value on filial piety, the widespread conviction that it is morally required of kids to respect their kids and seniors. This results in a feeling of deference, an urge to please others, and an inclination to stay out of conflict.
Asian Americans are more likely than the general public to price marriage and wedding more highly than career achievement or owning a house when it comes to the level buy of priorities in life. These values are based on the desire to safeguard and support community people as well as to respect the sacrifices made by earlier centuries in the household. Anxiety and depression may develop as a result of the force cook.